Find a New Fit: Team Sports

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Get started playing team sports

Team sports are a great way to get out with a group of friends and have some fun while you exercise. Whether you’re a long-time spectator or don’t even know the rules to a sport, it can be easy to get started.

What are team sports?

There are a LOT of team sports to choose from, but any activity that requires you to be in a group competing against another group will generally fall under this category. Whether your sport of choice is football, baseball, soccer, or even curling, there’s something out there for everyone.

How do I get started?

The main requirement for joining a team is finding one that’s accepting new people. Check in with local gyms and community centers to see what (if any) sports leagues they organize. You may be surprised at how many leagues there are for adults. You’ll also want to get more information about the levels they offer to make sure there’s one you’ll fit into, as many leagues separate teams into different divisions so that experienced players aren’t facing off against beginners. You may have to check in with a few different leagues to find one with a level and schedule that fits what you want.

Different sports also require much different equipment, so also check on what you’ll need when you sign up.

If there aren’t any organized leagues in your area that work for you, getting a group of friends together for an informal game of soccer or baseball can also be a great way to get active, and with a large enough group you can make it a regular thing.

What are the health benefits of team sports?

Different sports will have different benefits, but here are a few things you can probably count on:

  • Weight management: Most sports are also a great workout that require you to do a lot of running and other aerobic activities. This can help you manage your weight over time.
  • Reduce your risk for heart disease: Most sports are a workout for your heart as well, and they’ve been shown to reduce the risks for heart disease and lower blood pressure.

What else do I need to know about team sports?

While the physical benefits may be obvious, team sports have also been shown to increase interpersonal skills like teamwork and leadership. So playing a sport is not only good for you, it could be good for your career and social life as well!

You can log many sports on your Fitbit account through the Fitbit app, so get started and don’t forget to log your activity.


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  • Sports has a lot of benefits. One of course is helping you to get fit and healthy. It makes you active physically and mentally. But it helps you also to be spiritually and socially involve. Having a team is getting a support system too. And it’s very important to have someone who will support you and give you the confidence you need in playing sports.

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