Lacey Stone’s Simple Circuit Workout #4 for Gym Newbies


You did it! Congratulations you made it to Week 4—your final week! I hope you’ve enjoyed the past three weeks of working out together. Here we are at the end. I’m so excited for you. Now you see results, and I hope you’re energized to finish out the month with me strong!

If you haven’t checked out the past three weeks of workouts, do that now (Simple Circuit Workout #1, Simple Circuit Workout #2, and Simple Circuit Workout #3). These Simple Circuit Workouts build on each other, and you should do them in sequential order for best results.

Finish this amazing month of workouts with Simple Circuit Workout #4, and do this final workout three times this week. Then, you are DONE!!! You should be so proud of yourself.

Tips to Get Started

These gym moves are part of a circuit that you’ll be looping, which means you’ll do all ten of the exercises and then repeat them all again in the same order one more time. After the first circuit, I’d like to you to rest for one to two minutes max before going back to do the second circuit. Before you begin Simple Circuit Workout #4, do a light jog on the treadmill for two to three minutes to warm up.

For all of these exercises use a weight that’s heavy enough so that by the second set you feel like you might not be able to lift the weight for the last reps. In the pictures, I’m lifting weights that work for me. I recommend that you lift heavier for fastest results. However, form is king, so please don’t get overly ambitious.

This is it, don’t hold back. You committed to these four weeks together, and I know you feel stronger because we’ve built on to the workouts every week. This final workout should take you just a little over 20 minutes to complete.  Every week we’ve gone a little longer. Simple Circuit Workout #4 is your longest workout and your last workout.

Finish what you started, Team. Finish STRONG!

Ready. Set. Go: Simple Circuit Workout #4!

Straight Bar Bench Press


12 reps — works your chest

  • Lie back on a flat bench.
  • Lift the bar from the rack and hold it straight overhead.
  • Bring the bar down slowly, until the bar touches the middle of your chest.
  • Pause and contract your chest muscles, then push the bar back up over your head. That’s 1 rep.
  • Hold the weight over your head, then slowly come back down again.

Walking Lunge


Using Dumbbells
12 Reps on each side — works your butt, hamstrings, and quads

  • Stand up straight, holding a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Step forward with your right leg about 2 feet in front of you and lower your body down so your left knee touches the floor.
  • Never allow your right knee to go forward beyond your toes
  • Keeping your body weight in your heel, push back up to standing. That’s 1 rep.
  • Repeat on other side.

Squat Alternating Cable Row


Using a Cable Machine
12 Reps per side (24 total) — works your legs and back

  • Face the cable machine with your feet pointed straight ahead, shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold the cable handle in your right hand and extend your arm out in front of you.
  • Contract your glute muscles and lean back into a squat.
  • When you’re hovering above the ground in a squat, stand back up while simultaneously rowing your right arm towards your right side.
  • Contract your shoulder blade and pull your thumb into your armpit.
  • Complete the row in the same amount of time it takes you to fully stand up straight from your squat. That’s 1 rep.
  • Repeat the same motion for your left side.

Mountain Climbers


10 Reps per side — works your core

  • Begin in a plank position with your weight supported by your hands, core, and toes.
  • Bend your right knee and bring your leg up until the knee is under your hip.
  • Quickly reverse the position of your legs, extending your bent right leg until it is straight and bringing your left knee to your hip.
  • Repeat in a swift, alternating fashion.

Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press


12 Reps — works your shoulders

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Raise the weights to be in line with your head, with your elbows out at a 90-degree angle.
  • Keep your shoulders back and your body aligned.
  • Extend through the elbow and raise the weights together over your head.
  • Pause and slowly lower the dumbbells back in line with your head. That’s 1 rep.

Seated Dumbbell Tricep Extension


12 Reps — works your triceps

  • Sit down on a bench and grab one large dumbbell with both hands.
  • Hold the dumbbell overhead with your arms fully extended.
  • Keep your elbows in and close to your head.
  • Lower the weight behind your head until your forearms touch your biceps.
  • Contract your triceps and raise the dumbbell back up above your head.
  • Be sure to keep your upper body stationary throughout the exercise.



12 Reps per side — works your abs

  • Lie flat on the floor with your lower body pressed to the ground.
  • Place both of your hands behind your head, then bring your knees in towards your chest and lift both of your shoulder blades off the ground
  • Straighten your right leg so it is hovering above the floor.
  • Turn your upper body to the left and bring your right elbow towards your left knee.
  • Pause and contract your core muscles, then switch sides and continue doing the same motion.

Standing Dumbbell Bicep Curl


12 Reps — works your biceps

  • Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand at arm’s length.
  • Keep your elbows glued to your torso and rotate the palms so that they are facing forward.
  • Keep the upper arms stationary and curl the dumbbells up, while contracting your biceps.
  • Raise the weight until your dumbbells are at shoulder level.
  • Pause and contract your bicep muscles.
  • Slowly lower the weights down until your arms are fully extended again. That’s 1 rep.

Lat Pull-Down


12 Reps — works your back

  • Sit down facing the pull-down machine with the wide bar attached.
  • Grab the bar with your palms facing forward, wider than shoulder-width.
  • Both of your arms should be fully extended above your head.
  • Bring your torso back (about a 30-degree angle) keeping a slight curve in your back.
  • Bring the bar down until it touches your upper chest by pulling your shoulders and upper arms down and back.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together and slowly raise the bar back above your head until your arms are fully extended. That’s 1 rep.


works your abs

  • Plant your hands directly under the shoulders.
  • To stabilize, ground your toes into the floor and squeeze your glutes.
  • Keep your head in line with your spine by looking at a spot on the floor about a foot beyond your hands.
  • Keep your body straight and all of your core muscle engaged at all times.
  • Hold and breathe for as long as you can. In Simple Circuit Workout #1 you held it for 30 to 45 seconds—let’s go for 1 minute or more now!


Take a short break (1 to 2 minutes) and repeat this series of ten exercise one more time through.

2nd round complete—congratulations! Now that you’re done with Simple Circuit Workout #4, please spend three to five minutes doing some basic stretches.

Complete this workout three times this week, and then… You did it! You’ve completed four weeks of Simple Circuit Workouts—you should be so proud of yourself! Now you know you can do anything! Ready for more heart-bumping fitness fun? Check out my Exclusive Fitbit Charge HR Workouts!  

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