Why Men Should Do Yoga

Why men should do yoga

Today’s post is by Quentin Vennie, a wellness advocate and yoga guru in New York City. In recent years there has been a large influx of yoga enthusiasts and practitioners nationwide. These days you can find a yoga class almost anywhere, from your classic yoga studios to local libraries and YMCAs. Even fitness chains have started to catch on...

Sleep Is a Game Changer! Are You Getting Enough?

Your head just hit the pillow, you’ve finally calmed the voices in your head, and drifted off into dreamland. Ah, it’s bliss… Except for that incessant racket. What is that? An annoying bird? A truck backing up? Nope, it’s the alarm clock. And there’s no room in your morning for the snooze button. If this scenario sounds familiar...

4 Rut-Busting Workout Ideas to Try Now

Doing the same workout day-in and day-out is more than just mind numbing—it can also create a fitness plateau. “When you do the same thing over and over, your body is going to get used to it and you’ll reach a point where you no longer see improvement or change,” says Lacey Stone, a personal fitness trainer in Los Angeles, CA. “That’s...

2 Ways to Prevent Pesky Joint Pain

Prevent pesky joint pain

When runners work to prevent injury, it is often the muscles we think first to protect, stretch and roll out at the end of a long day out on the roads or trails. Though we should always focus on being proactive and protecting our hard-working muscles, there is another part of the body that we may not be focused on enough: our joints. There are 143...

Train Like an Astronaut with this Workout Plan

When it comes to staying fit, astronauts are up against some tough physical challenges. Spending a significant amount of time in a zero-gravity environment can lead to muscle weakening, bone loss, and decreased cardio conditioning. (Your body actually needs the resistance of gravity to stay healthy!) That’s why researchers recently studied...