
“Walking is My Serenity,” says Ultra-Walker Yolanda H.

Nobody proves that small steps can have a big impact more than Yolanda H., 57, from Corona, CA. “I did my first 5k when I turned 40, when a friend suggested we walk one for charity,” she says. “I just loved it—the atmosphere, people cheering for you, and crossing the finish line felt so great. I was so sore after that I could barely walk...

4 International Ideas to Get Moving

For my book The 5 Factor World Diet, I traveled the globe and observed some of the food and fitness habits of the world’s healthiest nations, and learned a great deal. As one of the most overweight countries in the world, the United States could learn a few things from places like Japan, Sweden, France, Italy, Spain, and Greece, where more...

What to Do When Your Pain Doesn’t Go Away

Everyone has experienced an instance of acute pain—it’s generally sharp and comes on fast. Maybe you sprained an ankle while running, threw out your back picking up a box, or burned your hand on a hot pan. Most acute pain lasts roughly a few moments to a few months, and it goes away when the source of the pain heals or is treated. Chronic pain...

Study Shows Exercise Adds Years to Your Life

You may no longer be a spry 30-, 40-, or even 50-something, but that’s no excuse to slack off in the exercise department. New research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine finds older men who do just 30 minutes of physical activity, regardless of intensity, six days a week have a 40 percent lower risk of mortality.

Discover the Latest Fitness Trends in the Fitbit Activity Index™

If you’ve ever wondered how your fitness choices compare to those of other Fitbit users, the new Fitbit Activity Index™ is for you! Fitbit data scientists were curious to see how the popularity of activities change year to year, so they analyzed anonymous, aggregated Fitbit data from over one million users from the US, Canada, Australia, and...

Why You Should Take Your Workout Somewhere New

You may have heard of a weight plateau (the scale gets stuck on a number you no longer want to see), but did you know you can experience the same phenomenon when it comes to mental and physical fitness, too? It’s true! “Your muscles and your mind get used to the activity level when you do the same routine, in the same place over and over...