Author - Fitbit Staff

Stay Active While Keeping Up With Your Favorite Fall Shows

Indoor workout

Fall sometimes means a change to routine; with kids back in school, the weather quickly changing, and the holiday season just around the corner there’s plenty of new things to disrupt our workout schedules. But even with a busier schedule and cooler weather, there are still plenty of ways to keep up with your daily goals. One way to work...

Nicole S. Stepped Her Way to IRONMAN Status for Melanoma Research

Nicole S. set a goal to become an IRONMAN for a good cause: raising money to support the Melanoma Research Foundation. Here, she shares her story in her own words. “Hi, I’m Nicole Serraiocco. I’m a wife, mother of three adorable maniacs, and soon I’ll be an IRONMAN. I’m not a fitness expert or a lifelong devotee to sport. In fact, I...

“My Fitbit Flex Changed Everything for Me!” says Ann D.

When we hear about Fitbit users who’ve reached their goals, we love to share the news! Ann D. surpassed her goals— beyond what she even thought possible! Here is Ann’s success story, in his own words. “It’s time.” That’s what the voice in my head was telling me: that it was time to do something about my weight. It was early...

Watch this Fitbit Cameo on NBC’s “Parenthood”

Are you a Parenthood fan? If so, you probably caught Fitbit co-starring in Thursday’s episode on NBC. For Zeek’s (Craig T. Nelson) birthday, the fam gifts him a Fitbit to help get him into shape after his doctor’s recommendation to have heart surgery. We think it’s a great gift. But the tasteless gluten-free cake? Not so...

Sweet Surrender: 5 Easy Tips to Cut Back on Sugar

“Sugar has a bullseye on its back these days”—that’s what one of the speakers said at a recent nutrition conference I attended. But rather than rolling our eyes at all the “sugar media,” we should realize there’s truth to this messaging. Sugar stinks and it deserves all the negative press it’s receiving. However, I don’t believe...

Essential Sleep Tips: How to Wake Up Easier in the Morning

Fall is the perfect season for sleep. Cool and crisp nights cuddled up in a blanket are the best. That is, until you need to get up the next morning. In full disclosure: I’m a morning lark so in a lot of ways, the dark mornings help me sleep in to a normal human hour (rather than waking at 5:45am with the sun). But for many people, the dark...

The Mindful Marathon: How to Stay Mentally Composed During a Race

Fall race season is officially in gear. There are some great training plans out there to help you reach your physical goal, but what about the mental aspect? People often ask me what I think about when I run and what I do when a race is going badly. In ultra-running, we call it going into the “pain cave.” It happens in marathons too...

10 New Ways to Find Your Fitness Inspiration

OK it’s here. Fall that is. And poor fall—it’s met with so much dread and disappointment of summer’s end. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Fall brings new challenges and inspiration. And when it comes to making progress with your fall fitness, routine is best. If you’re still not convinced and need a little extra motivation, here...

Preparing for Your First 5K

3.1 miles — the perfect distance for your first foray into one of the world’s most popular sports (for the record, that’s about 6,000 Fitbit steps). We’ll help you navigate some of the obstacles that trip people up when they’re starting a running program for the first time, or coming back to running after a break. Here’s how to...

Fitbit Success Stories: Annemarie

Fitbit Success Stories is a recurring feature on the Fitbit Blog. You’ll read inspirational and personal stories about Fitbit users who have achieved amazing things as a result of their Fitbit tracker, diet, exercise, and sheer ambition. At 48 years-old I was in constant pain and felt like a prisoner in my own home. Just walking around my...