healthy habits

4 International Ideas to Get Moving

For my book The 5 Factor World Diet, I traveled the globe and observed some of the food and fitness habits of the world’s healthiest nations, and learned a great deal. As one of the most overweight countries in the world, the United States could learn a few things from places like Japan, Sweden, France, Italy, Spain, and Greece, where more...

How to Hack Your Office Kitchen

More often than not, office kitchens are crowded with hungry coworkers and cluttered with food, dishes, lunch bags, and more. It’s not exactly a relaxing haven to enjoy a break. But instead of feeling like you need to avoid the micro kitchen altogether, follow these tips to conquer it like a pro! Pack with Purpose Brought a nutritious lunch...

Trick Yourself Into Never Wanting Treats Again

There’s a reason why candy, cookies, chips and fast-food tastes oh. so. delicious. Many food items are engineered by scientists to deliver an irresistible “bliss point”—a term that describes the optimization of a tasty ingredient like sugar, salt, or fat that drives you to reach for more. But just because food scientists have worked...

8 Delicious Ways to Eat More Vegetables

Chances are you eat fewer vegetables than you should. And you’re not alone: Nine out of ten Americans struggle to get in the recommended three plus servings of veggies a day. You know how good they are for you—fresh produce is loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and fabulous phytonutrients (plant chemicals) that you can’t get by simply...

8 Crazy-Simple Ways Parents Can Slip Fitness into Their Day

If you’ve got school-aged kids (or younger!) at home, gym time might be a luxury you just can’t afford on a daily basis. That’s why many moms and dads find workarounds for workouts, fitting them in whenever possible during the week. Others turn into weekend warriors and sign up for local running and cycling races. If you’re still trying to...

Do You Really Need that Post-Workout Smoothie?

If you’re burning more calories than you’re taking in by cranking up your exercise, you should notice nice, steady weight loss. But there’s often a glitch in thinking when people ramp up their exercise. Some people feel they deserve a reward for their increased efforts, and more often than not that reward is edible—it’s something I like...