weight loss

Skipping Meals Can Sabotage Your Weight

Skipping meals can sabotage weight loss goals

At Foodtrainers, we’re huge fans of the food log. Especially for self-described “healthy eaters,” the devil (or weight loss) is in the details. And with many of our clients, I can see from their journals they’re already making decent choices. Many of our clients have slashed excess sugar and “white” carbs. But what I do find is...

“I Ditched My Car to Outrun Diabetes,” says Kodi S.

Kodi S

When we hear about Fitbit users who’ve reached their goals, we love to share the news! Kodi S. surpassed his goals— beyond what he even thought possible! Here is Kodi’s success story, in his own words. “Growing up, I would have never been considered a “natural” athlete, nor an active person. By the age of 26, I had...

All Calories Are Not Created Equal

When it comes to healthy eating, there’s a lot of talk about calories. You can track the number of calories you’re consuming, you can set calorie intake goals, and you can even compare how much you’re burning to how much you’re eating. To maintain your weight, calories in should equals calories out. Seems fairly...

“I Drew a Line in the Sand & Discovered Fitbit,” says Bryce P.

When we hear about Fitbit users who’ve reached their goals, we love to share the news! Bryce P. surpassed his goals—beyond what he even thought possible! Here is Bryce’s success story, in his own words. “Growing up, I was a multi-sport athlete in excellent shape. Over the last 10 years, I really let my fitness get away from me...

“I’m No Longer a Couch Potato—I’m an Athlete!” says Jonathan B.

When we hear about Fitbit users who’ve reached their goals, we love to share the news! Jonathan B. faced his obstacles head on to reach his goals! Here is Jonathan’s success story, in his own words. “Fight! No matter what happens in the next 24 hours I want you to fight and never give up. You hear me?” Those were the words whispered...

“My Fitbit Flex Changed Everything for Me!” says Ann D.

When we hear about Fitbit users who’ve reached their goals, we love to share the news! Ann D. surpassed her goals— beyond what she even thought possible! Here is Ann’s success story, in his own words. “It’s time.” That’s what the voice in my head was telling me: that it was time to do something about my weight. It was early...

Fitbit Success Stories: Annemarie

Fitbit Success Stories is a recurring feature on the Fitbit Blog. You’ll read inspirational and personal stories about Fitbit users who have achieved amazing things as a result of their Fitbit tracker, diet, exercise, and sheer ambition. At 48 years-old I was in constant pain and felt like a prisoner in my own home. Just walking around my...

5 Tips for Preventing Weight-Gain Weekends

Let’s say a person (perhaps you) develops a stellar eating routine that involves cooking, hydrating, and eating lots of green things. By Friday that person (perhaps you) feels accomplished, clothes are looser, energy is through the roof—you get the picture. Then, person (you?) goes on a weekend getaway­ and things get carefree. Person...