
What to Do When Your Pain Doesn’t Go Away

Everyone has experienced an instance of acute pain—it’s generally sharp and comes on fast. Maybe you sprained an ankle while running, threw out your back picking up a box, or burned your hand on a hot pan. Most acute pain lasts roughly a few moments to a few months, and it goes away when the source of the pain heals or is treated. Chronic pain...

Stressed? Get Calm in Seconds with These Breathing Tricks

Have you ever noticed how high-stress situations at work activate your fight or flight response? To prepare for combat or run from a threat, you take rapid shallow breaths and your body releases the hormone cortisol, telling the liver to stimulate glucose production and send sugar into the blood. That oxygen hit and sugar increase provides an...

Why Men Should Do Yoga

Why men should do yoga

Today’s post is by Quentin Vennie, a wellness advocate and yoga guru in New York City. In recent years there has been a large influx of yoga enthusiasts and practitioners nationwide. These days you can find a yoga class almost anywhere, from your classic yoga studios to local libraries and YMCAs. Even fitness chains have started to catch on...