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Share Your Workout With Fitbit!

Man looking at his Fitbit App and Fitbit Blaze

Want to tell the world you just finished an epic sweat session? Good news: sharing your fitness achievements with friends couldn’t be easier. Thanks to Exercising Sharing in the Fitbit app, you can share a view or a selfie when you get your fit on. Exercise Sharing allows you to tell your friends and followers about your workout on any...

Study Shows Exercise Adds Years to Your Life

You may no longer be a spry 30-, 40-, or even 50-something, but that’s no excuse to slack off in the exercise department. New research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine finds older men who do just 30 minutes of physical activity, regardless of intensity, six days a week have a 40 percent lower risk of mortality.

Stressed? Get Calm in Seconds with These Breathing Tricks

Have you ever noticed how high-stress situations at work activate your fight or flight response? To prepare for combat or run from a threat, you take rapid shallow breaths and your body releases the hormone cortisol, telling the liver to stimulate glucose production and send sugar into the blood. That oxygen hit and sugar increase provides an...

Bye-bye, Networking. Hello, Sweatworking!

Have you tried sweatworking?

Too many meetings on your calendar to squeeze in a workout? No need to be stuck in conference rooms all day or client dinners all night. Turn your next networking session into a sweatworking session, instead! Sweatworking, the latest trend sweeping the business world, encourages people to step outside the classic meeting box and connect with...

Sleep Is a Game Changer! Are You Getting Enough?

Your head just hit the pillow, you’ve finally calmed the voices in your head, and drifted off into dreamland. Ah, it’s bliss… Except for that incessant racket. What is that? An annoying bird? A truck backing up? Nope, it’s the alarm clock. And there’s no room in your morning for the snooze button. If this scenario sounds familiar...