Search Results For - heart

How Dancing at Work Blasts Stress & Burns Calories

At-work dance routines

You’re in the home stretch of the work week, but there’s a deadline looming, a day full of meetings, and the emails won’t stop flooding your inbox. Guess that post-work cycling class will have to wait until the weekend… But there’s still a way to get in a quick activity sesh! Take a deep breath, stand up, and burn a few calories with...

Good News for Strava Athletes & Fitbit Lovers

You can now connect your Fitbit account to Strava!

Strava and Fitbit are excited to be partnering to make it even easier for you to track all day activity, track exercise, and maximize workouts. When you connect your Fitbit account to Strava you can automatically sync workouts logged in Fitbit to Strava, and your Strava workouts will sync to Fitbit! You can use Strava for the times when...

Busy Mom Nickie S. Conquers Triathlon Training with Fitbit Surge

Nickie S.

When we hear about Fitbit users who’ve reached their goals, we love to share the news! Nickie S. is a mom to two boys and an avid Fitbit Surge user. Here, she talks about her routine and how she use her Fitbit device to find her fit, in her own words. “I work full time while juggling being a mum of two active boys (10 and 8yrs) and...

Find a New Fit: Dance Class

Learn how to join a dance class today!

Whether you’re just starting to exercise or looking to put the fire back into your workout, adding a fun new activity will reenergize your fitness routine. Take this short quiz and find a new fit. Dance classes are a fun, energized way to get moving, and it can sometimes feel more like a night out with friends than an actual workout! What are...

Find a New Fit: Circuit Training

Get Started with Circuit Training

Whether you’re just starting to exercise or looking to put the fire back into your workout, adding a fun new activity will reenergize your fitness routine. Take this short quiz and find a new fit. Circuit training is a great way to get a complete workout if your time is limited. And because of how easy it is to modify workouts, there’s...

How Busy Mom Sarah A. Finds Balance with Fitbit Charge HR

Read Fitbit user Sarah's story about how she stays active as a mom.

Sarah A. has been using a Fitbit Charge HR for over a year. Fitbit spoke with Sarah to get her take on how she balances a healthy lifestyle with being a busy mom. Fitbit: What is the greatest impact Fitbit has had on your life as a mother? Sarah: Fitbit has helped me in my journey to become a fit and healthy mother. In 2012 and 2013 I lost...

Bike Tracking in Now Available on Fitbit Surge

Track your bike rides with Fitbit Surge

You asked for it! And now you can do it! Tracking your outdoor bike rides with Fitbit Surge is now possible. The GPS tracking, PurePulse heart rate technology, and advanced sensors available with Fitbit Surge will now allow you to view your distance, duration, heart rate, average speed, and calories burned in real time, right on your wrist...

Drink Up! 7 Tips to Keep You Hydrated

Ways to stay hydrated

It’s no secret staying hydrated is an important part of your overall health, but there are loads of health benefits that aren’t as well known. Hydration can give your metabolism a boost, lubricate your joints, control your body’s temperature, and even help with digestion. If you’re thinking about upping your H2O intake, here are...